Saturday 28 June 2014


Ello for yoo my pals....I haz insist dat we get out of bowt time I haz sum borin bein lok up in da cubberd all winter...

....ere I do be maykin sum prepperayshuns for I oliday.....

.....lammynayshun ekwipmunts.....

....careful not to creese I furs pleez.....


.....nice....good to ave chnage of outfits on forrin olidays..... be in da Meddy-ter-rainyun....

...dis be I bikes....get yore own bikes......

....yoo is spoilin I view....

....can I borrow yore elmit pleez?....yore he'd be arder dan mine...and is emptee too....

.....time for restin.....

....time for snakkin.....

.....yoo haz to get to da pool erlee to beat I to da beds....

......on da balconee.... da sea.....ope da breeze is not rufflin I furs....

...stop footlin wiv dat masheen and crack on pleez showferr.....

....cyclin selfie...

.....I ope yoo do be seein ow to play #flatmarley and be a-bull to join in...I kno dat I pals Piper an Winnie from Cannerder to be on a trip dis weekend...


  1. PAWESOME!! Miss you Lil M!

  2. Good to see you again FlatMarley

  3. Dey loks yoo in cubbard al Winta? *shok ears* look lyke fab olibob but no mayk up fur da cubbard! Pfft!
