Saturday 28 December 2013

Brrr...its a bit Chile....

Ello for yoo my pals.....I haz a pal wot be called Ennis who live wiv @babsVK ....Ennis be in a dipply-matic familee an is livin in lots of countrees all over da werld...his latist destinayshun bey Santiago in Chile......

...Ennis...on locayshun sowf of da eekwate-or

....we haz gide book and we is off to do Crissmuss tour.....

....ere I bee at da myoo-zeeum of fine arts....I presoom dis be shrine to meats....

....then we duss be at Plaza des Armas....wot meen Place of Arms....we haz our arm prominintlee display....

....we hav yooz diplomatic baggie to sneek I into da gardin at Merican carryin US passpawt as yoo can see...
...den Cementario General....wot meen cement arrange in genrull shapes....
.....despite I status as Ham-bassador for Terriers I iz still stuck in traffik jam.....

...lunchtime stop fur refresmints.....@mateticwines

...good ideer to keep i-drayted in da summer eet.....

.....surveyin I grapes......
...fine vintage, eggselent smells.....same apply to wine....
...Ennis say this duss be grapevine....I ear nuffin on it....muss be broked...

....lovely culler, nice smellin....same for local flowers....wot yoo meen we dun that one?
....i haz approve Chilean diets.....fanks to I pals at @mateticwines for lowin me to vizzit....
.....shoppin for noms in da markits in Santiago....La Vega i fink it call...
.....haz fownd possibull source of snaks....only da best for da captin's table....

...dat conclood I tore of Santiago....appy Chrissmuss to yoo all and fanks to Ennis and hims mum for showin i about....

.....i declare Santiago City of #Flatmarley.....

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I'm sure happy you shared your pictures with us. M says she'll never get to see Chilli, so she really enjoyed your pictures.
