Monday 23 July 2012

Sports Day Speshul

Wiv da big Sports Day about to begin in London we fort we should bring you uptodate wiv #flatmarley Summer of Sports...

....furst of all I do bring belated news of my attendance at the British Grand Prix wiv @alfie_BT and the good folk at Feelwells nommy dog food company....

...cookin brekkie for Mr Alonso (*re-enactment, akshul brekfast not pictured)

....bankin on a great day....bankin....geddit? eh?....Is this thing on? *taps mic*

....all roads do leadt to #flatmarley.....

....race control.....race pawsonnel ave a lot to deal wiv....

...tied up in time for Mr Brundle's grid walk just in case...

....comin in for new tyres....full "wets" may be needed....

......and very close to our heart, we did get to visit the USA v Great Britain baskitball match warmin up for the Olympics.... check...

pre-game Nandos as per Messrs Bryant, James et al....(akshull meal not pictured)

....pre-game scoutin repawt; dunkin on da menu....

....good, I am by far the tallest player....

...but it do not all be relaxin this week... boot sale wiv @threexhorses....

.....altho I duss not rool it out entirely...

....wiv @gimliBT on the way to Cornwull...

Keep up the good werk my chums. We did hear from America this week that our deal pal @piprufus1 did be avin a ruff time (we dussnt say much for reasons of privacee) and cos da familee did be the pawsons who did ave the original idea for #flatmarley we do send em all our best wishes and opin for better days for them.

We ope they duss be cheered up to see #flatmarley wiv our newest pal Alfie from Terrier Rescue who do be lookin for a furever home wiv our help...

....remember to check peemail Alfie...



  1. Terence Terrier23 July 2012 at 06:20

    Thank you for featuring dear Alfie. Lovely sports blog today. He's doing his bit next week.

  2. hEy yOO cAn dO cOmMeNTAry fOr sPoRtiNg eVeNTs cAuSe yOo iS aN eXpErT fOr sURe! wELL dONe sUpA bLoG aS eVeR & wE dO bE tHiNkiNg aBOuT @piprufus1 aNd hOpE dEy iS oK.

    hArVS xXx
