Thursday 12 July 2012

*runrun*...catchin up

Ello my chums, #flatmarley HQ was closed for a few days for our holiday but now we do be back and bringing you da latest news....of corse we do kno that many of you has been waiting for news of @robbiesvoice and his epic cyclin to the end of da werld wot we have featured ere the last few weeks....and of corse we was worrying bout Harvs after the loss of dear Bunners...

...Arvs, looking low...

C'mon pal...lets go for a walk and see if Bunners ave left us any peemail...

....and we is lookin forward to meeting up wiv Robbie on Saturday so he can haz famlee reunion and some quiet time wiv Deb and and Harvs....

.....duss not be too far now....

....i fink it be straight on at the rowndybout...

Look Robbie, I fink they is expecting us....

job well done.....
...and finally we duss all be reunited together.....

...and we do say a big WOOF for Robbie and the #LEJOG team on their great acheevements and raisin so much munnee for Alzheimers Society...and a big fanks for bein the best ever players of #flatmarley....

....but when wun journey do finish anuvver do be startin....and we is off on anuvver oldiday wiv our pals Griff an Ollie who do be @thegobros....

...pakkin? Wot be pakkin?....
....Hevver and Dr Gav say we is only join if we is able to put our fings together ourselves.....

...impawtant stuff be in the fridge i fink...

noms all bagged up to keeps fresh...

...more noms for emergenecees... case emergencee rashuns run out....

...strippin kit? Who dat for?....

....and when pakkin is done we has to get on da road bound for who kno where....

...weese asked for more leg room.....

.....Mungo, I-spy wiv my little eye...

....I haz to make sure we was back for Saturday tho cos we did be goin to Wimbledon wiv famuss telly-dog Briar (@wonderwinger)...

....iconic landmark....and The Shard....
....found my way to destinayshun....

...Centre Court...and a very full Marley Mound....
Olympic medal....not wot I came ere for....

...Mens Singles Trophy?...I leev dat one for Andy... was a very nice day and we did enjoy wotchin people chasin tennis balls...altho i was surprised to see dat they ave a man count who get ow an Lola dust ave that...

.....and finally we do bring you some little bits of #flatmarley out and about wiv pals...

..wiv mini-me of @barneyBT chekkin out gide books for Madrid...oliday ahoy!
...out and abowt wiv @bijntje in America...

...elpin out @diamondbertie's master wiv his scan... that do be our week. We has some other fotos comin too from pals but we is vain technical trubbles to iron out furst....woof...Marley


  1. hEe hEe! yOO iS oNe oF dA bUSiEst fLaTpAwS wE kNoW eVa!! sUpA bLoG & wE iS hOnouReD tO bE pARt oF sUch gRanD cOmpAnY diS wEeK tOo! yAy! *wispas* dEr iS MoRe pHoTos tO sHaRe tOO! pAw hUGs & sMeLLiE LiX tO yOo! xx

  2. Wow you must be one tired dog! Hopefully we will see you around dese parts again soon...woof!
