Sunday 7 August 2011

Is this the end of #flatmarley?

Ello for you my pals and fanks for waitin payshuntly for this #flatmarley update. As most of you kno, I haz been on oliday at the farm and dint be able to update the blog while my elpers was away in Thailand...anyway, I ope you enjoy catchin up today...

Furst up, my great border terrier pal @smudgebt did ask his mum and dad to take me to an airshow cos Mr Smudge do be elpin the RAF out wiv protectin our country....

#flatmarley fraternizin wiv US aircrew...

...and some pretty impawtant firemen...
 ....but given #flatmarley's status as a high flyer in the werld of flat animal travel I was introdoosed to some other high flyers in their field...the Red Arrows!!!!!, pawsome...

Atttteeeenshun.....legends on parade..
....we do say fanks to Mr & Mrs Smudge for wot I fink we can agree is the bestest #flatmarley pic so far...but dussnt fink I be restin on my laurels....I been to English seaside rown of Whitby wiv my pal @chalireeatssocks...

Whitby, home to another werld explorer...

I dussnt do swimmin....

Pickin up birds as usual....

Me? Only if you insist.....
.....but in case you fink #flatmarley been confined to the UK for the last few weeks then finks again my pals...I did make a trip to see my speshul pals Frankie & Stewie (border terriers) and their mum, Patti (@jonesgirl_3), in Prince Edward Island in Canada...

In need of refreshment before elpin Patti wiv her PHd thesis...

Studyin Under the Influence.....

Passed out in the garden....
...and also we did see our pal Beulah the Bulldog (@snrtlysnrtface) in The US of A...

Relaxin at Ocean City, New Jersey...
at Hancock Pond in Maine ....

Wotchin Mummers on the Boardwalk, a tradishun...

 ...but we dint be forgettin our pals at ome and we been down Somerset to see @buzz_sprocker.....and his little pal...

#flatmarley babysittin serviss at your command..

...but we are not sure about all Buzz's pals....(a degu)
....and almost home again in Sussex wiv Pepper & Spot (@mangotoo)....

elpin Pepper polish the tiles....
....but we dusnt ever be restin for long and we had to accompany the peeple who elp our pal @ollyted on their oliday to the Maldives....

A snak at the airport to keep up our strengff

Testin the otel facilitees....suitably comfy...

Which one is my room?
....and the final leg of our long journee was elpin the familee on their trip to Thailand.....

Checkin out the apartments....

Relaxin in the pool
......where i was designated supervisor and oliday rep....

...makin sure the beach is safe...
testin water temparature....

....partickly bein responsible for entertainments....

On hand to elp wish mum a appy burfdee
.....but it was not all fun and games and there was a lot of werk to be done....assistin wiv breakfast...
Can I elp wiv choice of cereal?
No, ow about doughnuts or mangosteen Oscar? fact i was elpin at all mealtimes....

Assistin Jason an Olivia wiv menu....
guardin the sticky rice...
...but.....I dunno if it was the smell of all the delishus food wot dunnit but later that day we did go up to the top of the hill to see the monekys...and sumeone did make the mistake of openin the window for a foto...

The cuplrit....
...and....before you can say "noms o'clock" the cheeky blighter had alf-inched #flatmarley and that was the last that was seen of him in I do need to be askin @alfielulu for a replacement....uh oh....sorry #flatmarley for not takin better care of you...
That is the latest on my travels. I do ope I dint miss anyone's foto. If I did, please tweet me or peemail em to me as usual....I might have been missin any sent in from 21 July to 2 August cos twitter did swallow some of my old tweets...


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